
Reasons You Should Date A Guy With A Beard

►Growing a beard takes patience, which means that bearded men are not impatient or hotheaded but tend to be more cool and calm when it comes to making decisions.
►They are caring. A man who cares for his beard cares in general.
►A man with a beard generates alpha status and lets a woman know that he can be a good protector.
►No man with a good beard ever has a bad head or hair.
►They are trendy. ..More after the cut..

►Bearded men are humble.
►They are fit and healthier. A man with a beard lives a more active and adventurous lifestyle. Even science has it that beard blocks out the sun’s harmful rays and keeps him baby-faced underneath all the fuzz.
►They look strong, with the way they evoke the sense that they can punch a hole in a wall or uproot a tree with their bare hands.
►Men with beards are more sensitive.
►A man with a beard is not afraid to be different and try something unusual.

►A man with a beard is naturally sexier than a man with a baby-bare face. He definitely has a more rugged and manly look that most women will love.
►Words spoken by bearded guys just sound better; whether it’s so ambiguous or meaningless, he can always get away with it.
►Beards give guys a strong air of seriousness. No one will ever want to mess withyou if you are on the arm of a bearded man.
►Brushing their beards is so much fun.
►Other men respect him.

►Beards are a visual reminder you are not accidentally sleeping with a child, and who doesn’t like that? In other words, beards turn boys into men. That’s probably the most recognizable change at puberty.
►For a woman ready to have a family, a beard might stand for a man who is hormonally ready to make babies.
►They can always get away with otherwise questionable things.
►Beards sometimes make guys appear friendlier.
►Bearded guys are confident. It takes some serious boldness to walk around with bush on your face.. :-)

►Beards shows commitment. To commit to a beard is a big deal. Obviously.
►Growing a beard means you can say goodbye to one of mankind’s more tedious tasks.
►He looks good when he’s all dressed up.
►The look of a bearded man will always be versatile. No matter what, it will always be fashionable to wear a beard.
►Kissing a man with a beard tickles in a good way. Also, there is something 
decidedly aggressive about making out with a bearded man.

►Snuggling your face in a soft beard is comforting and fun.
►A beard just makes any man look more like JESUS... :-)
►A beard gives them something to stroke while they are thinking.
►From a gentle tickle to an aggressive rub, men with beards have a distinct advantage when it comes to pleasing a woman.
►You are most likely never to get bored with bearded guys.
►They are exclusive. Any man can grow a facial hair, but not every man can grow a gorgeous beard.

►Beards are magical. They are constantly in flux, even when they are not being consciously trimmed down.
►It makes them look mysterious.
►Maintaining a nice-looking beard sure needs grooming and styling. This shows a bearded man has his own beauty routines, which means he would also be concerned about your looks.
►Bearded men love drinks, knows all the best hangouts, and will take you along for the ride.
►They are delightful and charming even when they are angry.
So Ladies.. If your man is not bearded, then you're missing a lot!!!
Thank God I'm bearded.. Hehehe**

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